12 February, 2024

APC by Schneider - Change battery date - Clear battery error.

You may find that ftp first needs to be enabled on the UPS...

Explaining the telnet and ftp enablement bit is the longest part really...
If you already have FTP enabled - and don't care how to do it via CLI...
Scroll down to: '
Here is how to update the 'Battery Date'

Check to to see that ftp is enabled first - here:

Enable FTP...

Configuration > Network > FTP Server: 'Enable' (checkbox)

NOTE: You will return to this page to later DISABLE FTP - It is seen as a security risk - Don't leave it enabled

Disable FTP...

Configuration > Network > FTP Server: 'Enable' (uncheck)

It can also be enabled via telnet... In fact, all of this  an be done via CLI...


Note: This command will enable telnet - (needed if you get an error about 'telnet' not being a recognized command):

At an elevated command prompt type: pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

This enables telnet...

How to get telnet connected - Open a CMD prompt and:

telnet <UPS IP address> 23 (port 23 is the default telnet port)

User Name: apc (the default)

Password: apc (this is the default password - you should change this)

Once logged in, type: ? <and hit enter>

(this just lists all available commands)

Type: ftp <and hit enter>

E000: Success
Service:        disabled
Ftp Port:       21

apc>ftp ?

Usage: ftp --  Configuration Options
    ftp [-p <port-number>] (21 and 5001-32768)
        [-S <enable | disable>]

NOTE: The '-S' is case sensitive - it is an uppercase letter

ftp -S enable <and hit enter>

apc>ftp -S enable
E002: Success
Reboot required for change to take effect.

Use the reboot command -

apc>reboot <and hit enter>

E000: Success
Reboot Management Interface
Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel :

(You do have to reopen the telnet and log back in after a reboot.)

Conversely (once you are done using ftp)...

ftp -S disable <and hit enter>

apc>ftp -S disable
E002: Success
Reboot required for change to take effect.

apc>reboot <and hit enter>

E000: Success
Reboot Management Interface
Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel :

OK - With THAT part explained - 

Here is how to update the 'Battery Date'

Take note of the current directory shown at the command prompt - THIS is where the 'config.ini' is going to be sent / saved to.

At the command prompt:

ftp <UPS IP address>

Log in as prompted...

Type THIS command:

get config.ini 

Once that completes (it takes a few seconds)...

Locate 'config.ini' as noted above -
Open it on Notepad (or other text editor - I don't care - I'm not your mom!)

Search for (Ctrl+F) 'BatteryDate' in this file (it was / is on line 368 in mine)...

Edit the correct date value in this format: mm/dd/yyyy

Save the file and close it.

At the ftp prompt type: 'put ' (note the space after 'put' - include that space)

Then drag and drop that 'config.ini' file into the ftp window (or type in the full path... But drag and drop is way easier, tho)

put C:\Users\Yourself\config.ini <and hit enter>

Allow that to complete...

To end the ftp session type: bye <and hit enter>

If you have notifications set up... 

Processing the new config is going to generate about twenty something emails...

One of those emails will include: 'Informational - UPS: Battery life exceeded cleared.'

(as explained above)

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