06 March, 2023

'Bookmarklets' (JavaScript bookmark) - Search for Dell 'Service Tags', or 'Service Code'

 I think 'Bookmarklets' have fallen out of fashion - But I still find them handy -

I just made one for Dell.com - To look for service tags, but it also works for the longer 'Service Code' too.

This pops up a window / prompt asking for the (Dell) 'Service Tag', then pulls up the info about it, on the Dell Support site.

The result opens in a new tab.

There are a few caveats* to note - So 'Bookmarklets' can be used in modern browsers (listed below)

There's a few reasons I put this together - Mostly to make it easier to get info on a Dell computers warranty...
Less clicks, no dropdowns... Takes me right to the pertinent info.

Here is the basis:

Here is the 'Bookmarklet':
javascript:(function(){var input=window.prompt("Dell Service Tag #:%22);var%20targetUrl=%22https://www.dell.com/support/search/en-us#q=%22;input=input.replace(/\s/g,%20%22%22);if(input)window.open(targetUrl+input)})();

If you are not familiar with how 'Bookmarklets' work...

You are creating a new Bookmark / Favorite... So open the new Bookmark / new Favorite dialog up, to start...

Your call - I put mine on the 'Bookmarks Bar'/ 'Favorites Bar'...

Copy / pasta the entire JavaScript line, as the URL for new Bookmark / Favorite, and give it a name (I called it 'Dell Tag?').

Save it.

When you click on this Bookmark / Favorite, a dialog opens - Enter in the Dell 'Service Tags', or 'Service Code' and click 'OK' or hit enter...

* Caveats:

  • It behaves pretty straight forward in Edge, and Firefox, but in Chrome, it was blocked as a pop-up, so I had to click on that notification, and 'Allow' it.
  • Also - JavaScript is not enabled / allowed on the 'New Tab' page - So this will not work until some / any other webpage is loaded.

06 January, 2023

PoSh Command History - Create your own

I wasn't sure how helpful, or novel this approach is - but thought I would share it.

> I also posted this on reddit - And someone commented:

"Was Add-History on vacation?"

I replied:


You know - When I went looking for ways to do this - That command never presented itself.

I will have to play around with it.


Then I replied again the next day, after looking at that command:


From what I am seeing - playing around with 'Add-History'...

THAT is much more complicated... Actually a pain in the ass.

This thing I hacked together is MUCH simpler across the board.

Though, all the same - Thanks for pointing that out!


From that - I feel like what I put together is rather novel.

I have a script ("disabled termed expired.ps1") that I have scheduled to run at 8:15, am M-F.

It pops up a PoSh CLI window on top of everything else, names it, sizes it (and will kill off any previous instances of that window)*, lists out what AD accounts are disabled, or expired, the reason why (terminated, KnowBe4 training is late...), how long it has been that way, etc...

The meat of that script is wrapped in a function named 'dte' - This way, while the window is open, I can easily refresh the window, with updated results, just by typing 'dte'...

Then I got lazy, and wanted to see if there was a way for that 'dte' command to be in the command history, so I could just 'up-arrow' and hit enter...

You know, rather than having to go through the laborious tasks of finding each of the three letters on the keyboard and having to press each one...

Really - I just wanted to see if I could do it...

Anyway - I added the below to the bottom part of the 'dte' function...

It sets the history for that specific Posh session to 'dte' (I don't think it works / will cause errors if used in ISE).

Obviously - It can be used for all kinds of things...
If you wanted to have several items you want in the history you could do:

Get-Process" | Out-File $HxPath -Encoding ascii -Force 

Or assign that text to a variable:

$Hx = "dte

$Hx | Out-File $HxPath -Encoding ascii -Force 

If ($Host.Name -NOTmatch "ISE") {
# This sets the command history for the PoSh session to 'dte',
# so you can just up arrow, and get the command that re-runs the 'dte' function

$HxPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\dte.txt" 
"dte" | Out-File $HxPath -Encoding ascii -Force 
Set-PSReadLineOption -HistorySavePath $HxPath

(Hit the up-arrow '▲' or, type 'dte', and hit 'ENTER' to refresh...)

* If anyone is interested - Here is what I use to create and control the PoSh CLI window:

I like to include the PID in my Posh instances 'WindowTitle' - In case they lock up, so I can easily 'Stop-Process -Id XXXX'

$Window_Title = "Disabled, Terminated, or Expired AD Accounts"

If ($Host.Name -NOTmatch "ISE") {

$ScrWidth = $null; $ScrHeight = $null
$ScrWidth = 135
$ScrHeight = 35

$Already = $null; $Already = Get-Process | ? { $_.MainWindowTitle -match $Window_Title }

If ($Already) { $Already | Stop-Process }
$host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.size($ScrWidth,$ScrHeight)
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.size($ScrWidth,$ScrHeight)
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Window_Title (PID: $PID)"

############ Keeps the Console window on top ###############
$signature = @'
public static extern bool SetWindowPos(
IntPtr hWnd,
IntPtr hWndInsertAfter,
int X,
int Y,
int cx,
int cy,
uint uFlags);

$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name SetWindowPosition -Namespace SetWindowPos -Using System.Text -PassThru
$handle = (Get-Process -id $Global:PID).MainWindowHandle
$alwaysOnTop = New-Object -TypeName System.IntPtr -ArgumentList (-1)
$type::SetWindowPos($handle, $alwaysOnTop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0003)
############## END - On top ################

} # END 'If ($Host.Name -NOTmatch "ISE")'