I wanted to pull in all of the Windows version info into a
These standard commands were lacking -
- Get-WindowsEdition -Online
- [environment]::OSVersion
- [environment]::OSVersion.Version
- (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem)version
The 'Release Number' and UBR don't show up.
The UBR is not super useful, except for adding
But the 'Release Number' is what most Windows version
conversations rely on.
Sure, one can type 'winver', and see it in a pop-up window...
But I wanted something more tangible, and portable... As a $variable
Mostly - I wanted figure out how to get to this info from
the command-line...
Anyway - It's in the Registry...
This does not require elevation. And it can be pulled in
with one line (well two, but really one):
Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' `
| select ReleaseID,CurrentBuildNumber,UBR |
Or it can be prettied up with three lines:
$Reg_NT_CurVer = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
| select ReleaseID,CurrentBuildNumber,UBR
$BuildNo = ($Reg_NT_CurVer.CurrentBuildNumber)+"."+($Reg_NT_CurVer.UBR)
Write-Host " Version" $Reg_NT_CurVer.ReleaseID "(OS
Bulld" $BuildNo") " -BackgroundColor
# On lines '1' and '2' above,
that select is not really needed - I just put it there for clarity
Some additional notes:
# ReleaseID / Release is coded
'YYMM' - So, for example: '1803', was released 2018 March
# CurrentBuildNumber / CBN
# UBR is 'Update Build
# Below is just another way of
putting the same info on screen.
# I re-labled the headers. The
'Out-String trim', just removes extra lines'
Write-Host "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" -ForegroundColor
NT\CurrentVersion' `
| FL @{L='Release';E={$_.ReleaseID}},@{L='CBN';E={$_.CurrentBuildNumber}},@{L='UBR';E={$_.UBR}} `
| Out-String).Trim() # (FL = format-list)
Write-Host "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" -ForegroundColor
NT\CurrentVersion' `
| FT @{L='Release';E={$_.ReleaseID}},@{L='CBN';E={$_.CurrentBuildNumber}},@{L='UBR';E={$_.UBR}} `
| Out-String).Trim() # (FT = format-table)