I am not really satisfied with how one is 'expected to create arrays in PoSh'...
The conventional methods look pretty, but I find them inflexible...
And I just don't like the way the result behaves...
PSCustomObjects are a pain in the ass IMO... But I digress.
Here are some methods to look at, and an expanded example of how I use this approach to easily create multidimensional arrays:
$ThisX = @('one','two','nine') | Select @{n='Numbers';e={$_}} $ThisX $ThisX.Gettype() | Select IsPublic, IsSerializable, Name,BaseType | fl # ~ Result ~ # Numbers # ------- # one # two # nine # IsPublic : True # IsSerializable : True # Name : Object[] # BaseType : System.Array ##################################### $ThisY = @('one') | Select @{n='Numbers';e={$_}} $ThisY $ThisY.Gettype() | Select IsPublic, IsSerializable, Name,BaseType | fl # ~ Result ~ # Numbers # ------- # one # IsPublic : True # IsSerializable : False # Name : PSCustomObject # BaseType : System.Object #################################### $ThisZ = @('one') $ThisZ $ThisZ.Gettype() | Select IsPublic, IsSerializable, Name,BaseType | fl # ~ Result ~ # one # IsPublic : True # IsSerializable : True # Name : Object[] # BaseType : System.Array #################################### $This0 = " zero,0 one,1 two,2 three,3 four,4 five,5 six,6 " $This0 = ($This0).Split("`n|`r",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $This0 = $This0 | Select @{n='Number';e={"$(($_).Split(',')[0])"}}, @{n='digit';e={[int]($_).Split(',')[1]}}, @{n='binary';e={[Convert]::ToString(([int]($_).Split(',')[1]),2)}}, Random $This0.Gettype() | Select IsPublic, IsSerializable, Name,BaseType | fl $This0 # ~ Result ~ # IsPublic : True # IsSerializable : True # Name : Object[] # BaseType : System.Array # Number digit binary Random # ------ ----- ------ ------ # zero 0 0 # one 1 1 # two 2 10 # three 3 11 # four 4 100 # five 5 101 # six 6 110 ################################ $This0 | % { $_.Random = 65..90|%{[char]$_}|Get-Random } # Number digit binary Random # ------ ----- ------ ------ # zero 0 0 E # one 1 1 N # two 2 10 I # three 3 11 L # four 4 100 Y # five 5 101 T # six 6 110 Z