24 April, 2014

The dismissal of a baseless claim.

What I find most bizarre, is the overall and complete lack of basis for attributing unknowns unto the supernatural...

That practice is exactly; Assigning one unknown unto another unknown.

Its like a game of 'Three Card Monty', or a Shell Game / Ponzi Scheme.

And by 'lack of basis',  what I mean is that there is nothing beyond human imagination (The mind abhors a vacuum, and will accept whatever is convenient, to fill in cognitive gaps) to warrant inserting a supernatural explanation for anything... At all... Ever.

The current stream keeps going back to a 'creator of the universe'...

There is far less presumption in insisting that the universe was created by a 'Long Gone Gob of Primordial Goo that was destroyed in the creation process', than to dream up some 'Supernatural Omnipresent entity' and attempt to give it credit.

It is folly to perceive 'Atheism' as an agenda to 'prove god(s) does not exist'  - That is a mis-characterization that intends to serve as a collection point where those who have been conditioned to crave some form of persecution they can call their own, can rally.

Atheism makes no claims... Atheism is the result of the dismissal of a baseless claim. There is no belief involved in that dismissal.

08 April, 2014

Send Lawyers, Guns. and Money!

I have yet to encounter a situation where a fire arm was necessary...

And thinking that a well armed populace would be able to win a firefight against what is an armored government...
Local police are backed up by County Sherrifs' are backed up by State Police are backed up by Federal Agents and the National Guard are backed up by the Army...

The fight is not any where close to fair... It was lost by the 'few' before it ever began.

Hell, the Air Force blew up a city block in New Jersey in the early 70's (YES - Really!) - Because of the threat it posed.

And if you shoot someone while defending yourself / your home - You are going to have  yourself arrested, charges filed, and be saddled with attorney fees that that far exceed the value of what could have been taken in a home invasion etc...

For all of that... I'm still not 'against' ownership.

- I just can't seem to ignore the absurdity that comes with many of the justifications that are offered.

The Judicial system and legal profession make a lot of money as long as guns flow freely... And it also keeps and maintains a level of fear and intimidation at hand...

Fear of being assaulted, and / or fear that if you step out of line, you will find yourself in one of several 'Sodomy Centers for the Willing and Unfortunate' - Penitentiaries that the the Judicial system keep well stocked and at a low boil - Can you perceive of a more ominous and threatening ever present obelisk than 'Prison'?

The concept of 'Guns' both calms and feeds the same cultured insecurities.

(the above pic relates to how I feel about that culture)