Japan's Little Pebble Commune

The Satanists of Ash Tree

Colin Batley once said: "Some of the most passionate and permanent attachments have begun with rape." It is somewhat unsurprising then that in 2011, this fringe group (who has decided this is a fringe group, and how is that the same or different from a cult? Again, we have the same naming issues) leader was convicted of 35 sex offenses against children and young adults, landing him in prison for 22 years.
The Raelians

Raelism is a UFO-based religion (according to their website) in which extraterrestrials, called Elohim, promised earthlings peace and sex robots. It was formed by Claude Vorilhon, who used to be a singer and race car driver, changed his name to Rael and now dresses like a sci-fi geek. Raelists practice free love and sensual meditation while they wait for the mothership to return.
The House Of Yahweh

Cult leader Yisrayl "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins is mainly known for believing he could predict the date the world would end, but maybe that was just a cover for the illegal sex acts. Hawkins was arrested for bigamy in 2008 for having four wives, although the charges were dismissed due to the expiration of the statue of limitations. Another member, elder Yedidiyah Hawkins, was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault of his then 14-year-old stepdaughter.
Children Of God

The group reportedly used seduction to recruit new members
One of the "tune in and drop out" cults of the 60s, this group is known for allegations of strange sexual behavior. In the 70s and 80s, they engaged in a practice called "Flirty Fishing." Basically, this means women converts seducing men, telling them about this great new group they should check out, and the dudes showing up at the group looking to get laid again and getting sucked in. In the 90s, one of their leaders said that child-adult sex was not inherently wrong. Women members are encouraged to think about Jesus during sex or masturbation, and imagine that He is working his magic on them. Men are simply encouraged to imagine women, because imagining Jesus, as a guy, would apparently cross the line.
Chronicles of Gor

A series of 1960s fantasy novels, Chronicles of Gor inspired the sadomasochistic life of Lee Thompson, a self-styled "sex master". Thompson not only paraded his girlfriend through town on a leash but was sentenced to three years in prison for sexual coercion after forcing his other lovers to have sex with other men against their will — once, just so he could use a computer in a cybercafé without paying.
The Alleged Cannibals of Papa New Guinea

Are you in the market for a sex cult where members kill "sorcerers" and then enjoy a light supper of raw brains and penis soup? Then this Papa New Guinea cannibal sex cult just might be for you. This blood-drinking, penis-soup-making cult became public knowledge when the police raided their Biamb village in the summer of 2012, and arrested 29 people, eight of them women, on murder charges. The leader of the cult has not yet been found; meanwhile, their trial proceeds.
Ohio Sex Group

Four Ohio men were charged with "masterminding beard and hair-cutting attacks" on fellow Amish people. During the trial, one witness alleged that Samuel Mullet, the group's alleged ringleader, was coercing members of his community to turn over their wives to him for counseling. This "counseling" allegedly consisted of non-consensual sex and physical punishments, such as locking the woman in a chicken coop in midwinter. Mullet was not been charged on those grounds; however, he was convicted of encouraging the assaults on his fellow Amish and faces ten years in jail.
The Warren Jeffs LDS Offshoot

Polygamist and cult leader Warren Jeffs is serving a 130-year sentence for systematic child sexual assault and marrying off underage girls. From his jail cell, he informed his 10,000 followers that the "no sex ban" is to remain in place until further notice. One of the cornerstones of Jeffs' group is that there are 15 men who have been "chosen" to father all the future children of his church.