28 June, 2016

iText / iTextSharp / Powershell / checkboxes

Some cryptic notes related to how 'Checkbox' values are addressed when using iText / iTextSharp, .NET PDF library - To automate filling in PDF forms.

I wasn't able to find any information on how to fill in a checkbox on a PDF form, when using iText in Powershell.
So, hopefully this blog entry will help others.
HINT: the value is 'On'

Anyway - This is a decent example (I hope) -

The 'break' just stops the script.
After that, is the mechanics of how I figured out what value needed to be used for the 'check-boxes' on the form.

$TimeStamp = Get-Date -UFormat %b_%d_%H_%M

# Sauce:
#        http://itextpdf.com/
#        http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/powershell-fill-pdf-forms,2-38.html#xtor=RSS-100
#        https://sourceforge.net/projects/itextsharp/
#        https://github.com/adbertram/Random-PowerShell-Work/blob/master/Random%20Stuff/PdfForm.psm1
#        https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Use-Powershell-to-Fill-3f28ba21

## NOTE - The DLL files need to be 'UNBLOCKED' before they will load / run. This has to be done manually or by using the Unblock-File command
## Run as admin...
#Get-ChildItem -recurse "C:\Powershell Stuff\itextsharp-all" | Unblock-File #-WhatIf

## And this module is needed, in order to use the actual .NET library - So Import it.
Import-Module –Name "C:\Powershell Stuff\PdfForm.psm1" -Verbose

#Get-PdfFieldNames -FilePath "C:\Powershell Stuff\test_Jun_28_11_44.pdf" -ITextLibraryPath 'C:\Powershell Stuff\itextsharp-all\itextsharp-dll-core\itextsharp.dll'

$ITextSharpLibrary = "C:\Powershell Stuff\itextsharp-all\itextsharp-dll-core\itextsharp.dll"

$InputPdfFilePath = "C:\Users\\Documents\HR_IT_Request01.pdf"
$OutputPdfFilePath = "C:\Powershell Stuff\test_$TimeStamp.pdf"

$First_Name = "FirstName"
$MI = "E"
$Last_Name = "LastName"
$EmployeeID_Number = "OU812-ACK"
$Date_of_Request = Get-Date -format d
$Job_Title = "PEON"
$Manager = "Control Freak"
$Email_Check = "On" # The two values for a checkbox is 'On', or leaving it untouched / blank / null - Really just one value - 'On'

#Save-PdfField -Fields @{'Name' = 'test123';'Bank Name' = 'some bank'} -InputPdfFilePath "C:\Vendor-Setup-Form.pdf" -ITextSharpLibrary 'C:\users\adam\dir\itextsharp.dll' -OutputPdfFilePath 'C:\Users\Adam\test4.pdf'

Save-PdfField -Fields @{`
'First_Name' = $First_Name;`
'MI' = $MI; 
'Last_Name' = $Last_Name;`
'EmployeeID_Number' = $EmployeeID_Number;
'Email_Check' = $Email_Check;`
'Job_Title' = $Job_Title;`
'Manager' = $Manager;`

'Date_of_Request' = $Date_of_Request`
} `
-InputPdfFilePath $InputPdfFilePath -ITextSharpLibrary $ITextSharpLibrary -OutputPdfFilePath $OutputPdfFilePath


#$OutputPdfFilePath = "C:\Powershell Stuff\test_Jun_28_12_20_01.pdf"
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader -ArgumentList $OutputPdfFilePath
# List available fields
# $reader.AcroFields.Fields
# Get the value of the the named field. Field name is case sensitive.
# The two values for a checkbox is 'On', or leaving it untouched / blank / null - Really just one value - 'On'
$FieldNames = Get-PdfFieldNames -FilePath $OutputPdfFilePath -ITextLibraryPath 'C:\Powershell Stuff\itextsharp-all\itextsharp-dll-core\itextsharp.dll'
ForEach ($FieldName in $FieldNames) {
$Name = $reader.AcroFields.GetField($FieldName)
Write-Host "$FieldName`: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$Name" -ForegroundColor Cyan



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