10 July, 2015


Google has taken away the convenient link at the top of the G+ page - For sharing content.
This Bookmarklet is designed to grab the current page address, and create a pop-up dialog to share the current page.
I have it on my bookmark bar... 
NOTE: Clicking on the link from this page will pop up a share for a blank page...
Drag this link into your 'Favorites' / 'Bookmarks'
[Share to G+]
Find a page you want to share - Then click on the bookmark you just added.
ANOTHER NOTE: If you share THIS page - it will include the below image... So that's cool! 

Here is the code that makes it work (tested in Firefox:

Here is one for Facebook too... If you are into that sort of thing:

For Firefox:
Share on Facebook
Drag me to your Bookmarks Bar to quickly share any web page with your friends, even when you're not on Facebook.
If you can't see the Bookmarks Bar, Choose "Show Bookmarks Bar" from the View menu.
After you drag the button to the Bookmarks Bar, it will look like this.

Here is that code (for the Firefox version)
For Internet Explorer
Share on Facebook
To quickly share any web page with your friends, even when you're not on Facebook, you can add the Share Bookmarklet.Right-click me and choose "Add to Favorites", then select "Create in" and choose the "Links" folder.
If you can't see the Bookmarks Bar, choose "Show Bookmarks Bar" from the View menu.
After you drag the button to the Bookmarks Bar, it will look like this.

Here is the code for the Explorer version:

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