I call this function into both Console, and ISE profiles.
It will pull in the contents of the clipboard, and pull in pertinent user info.
For me - The users location is really helpful, but It will also show if a users account is locked, the password, or the account is expired, etc...
If the clipboard contents don't work, it will rerun the function and prompt...
Function Office { $EAP = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $Who = Get-Clipboard if ($Who -eq "x") {Write-Host " - Exiting..."; break} If ($Who -is [array]) { $Who = [string]::Join(" ",$Who) } If (!$Who -or $Who.Length -gt 30) { Write-Host "Full name, username, or email address? " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta Write-Host "('X' to exit)" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta Write-Host ":" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta; Write-Host " " -NoNewline $Who = (Read-Host).Trim() } If ($Who -eq "x") {break} If ($Who) {$Who = "$(($Who).Trim())"} If (!$Who) {Write-host "Nothing to look for / Nothing entered." -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black; break} $Quality = 0 If ($Who -NOTmatch " " -and $Who -NOTmatch "@") { $Quality = 1; Write-Host "Looking for this username: $Who" -ForegroundColor Cyan } If ($Who -match "@") { $Quality = 2; Write-Host "Looking for this email address: $Who" -ForegroundColor Cyan } If ($Who -match " ") { $Quality = 3; Write-Host "Looking for this name: $Who" -ForegroundColor Cyan } Function ADU1 { $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties City, State,
telephoneNumber, mail, Title, Manager, Description,
PasswordLastSet, LastLogonDate, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, lockoutTime, LockedOut, AccountExpirationDate $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" } $Output = $null If ($Quality -eq 1) { $Output = ADU1 | ? {$_.SamAccountName -match $Who} } If ($Quality -eq 2) { $Output = ADU1 | ? {$_.mail -match $Who} } If ($Quality -eq 3) { $Output = ADU1 | ? {$_.Name -match $Who} } If (!$Output) {Write-host "`'$Who`' is not valid." -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black Set-Clipboard $null office } $Pwd_Age = "$( ( (Get-Date)-($Output.PasswordLastSet) ).Days ) day(s), $(((Get-Date)-($Output.PasswordLastSet) ).Hours) hour(s), $(((Get-Date)-($Output.PasswordLastSet) ).Minutes) minute(s) ago" $lockoutTime = $Output.lockoutTime If ($lockoutTime -gt 0) {$lockoutTime = [datetime]::FromFileTime($($lockoutTime))} $Output = $Output | Select Name, ` @{Name='Username';Expression ={($_.SamAccountName).ToUpper()}}, ` @{Name='Desc';Expression ={(($_.Description).Replace('|','-'))}},` @{Name='Location';expression={"$($Output.City), $($Output.State)"}},` ` @{Name='Phone';Expression={$("{0:# ###-###-####}" -f [int64](($_.telephoneNumber).Trim('+')))}}, ` Mail, Title, ` @{Name='Manager';Expression ={"$((Get-ADUser ((get-aduser ($_.SamAccountName) -Properties Manager).Manager) | Select ` @{name="Manager";expression={"$($_.Name) ($(($_.SamAccountName).ToUpper())) - $($_.UserPrincipalName)"}}).Manager)"}}, ` @{name="Last Logon";expression={$_.LastLogonDate}},` @{name="Lockout time";expression={$lockoutTime}},` @{name="Locked out";expression={$_.LockedOut}},` @{name="Pwd No Exp";expression={$_.PasswordNeverExpires}},` @{name="Expiration";expression={$_.AccountExpirationDate}},` @{name="Pwd Last Set";expression={$_.PasswordLastSet}},` @{name="Pwd Age";expression={$Pwd_Age}},` @{name="Pwd Expired";expression={$_.PasswordExpired}} Write-Host " " ($Output | Out-String).Split("`n|`r",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | % { If ($_ -like "Name *") {Write-Host " $_ ($($Output.Username))"} If ($_ -like "Location *" ) { Write-Host " $(($_).Replace(' :',':'))" -ForegroundColor Green } If ($_ -like "Desc *" -and $Output.Desc -ne $null) {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Phone *" -and $Output.Phone -ne $null) {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Mail *") {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Title *") {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Manager *") {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Last Logon *") {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Expiration *" -and $Output.Expiration -ne $null) { Write-Host " " -No; Write-Host "$_" -Fore Red -Back Yellow } If ($_ -like "Locked out *" -and $Output."Lockout time" -gt 0) {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Last Logon *" -and $Output."Lockout time" -gt 0) {Write-Host " $_"} If ($_ -like "Pwd Last Set *" -and $Output."Pwd No Exp" -ne $True) {Write-Host " $_" -No} If ($_ -like "Pwd Expired *" -and $Output."Pwd Expired" -eq $True) {Write-Host " <EXPIRED> " -Fore Red -Back Yellow -No} If ($_ -like "Pwd Age *" -and $Output."Pwd No Exp" -ne $True) {Write-Host " [$($Output.'Pwd Age')]" -Fore Yellow} } If ($host.name -eq "ConsoleHost") {''} Set-Clipboard $null $ErrorActionPreference = $EAP } # END Function Office { set-alias -name ofc -value Office
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