I wanted a more comprehensive, and easier to read, output of a systems network settings, etc...
I have this set as a Function and it has an alias.
I call theses functions from both PoSh profiles.
This is what the output looks like:
The script:
Function Get-IP
Write-Host "Fetching IP info..." -ForegroundColor Gray -BackgroundColor Black $AdapterList =
@() Get-NetAdapter | ? {$_.InterfaceDescription -NOTmatch 'Bluetooth'} | %
{ $adapter = $_ $prefix =
(Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $adapter.InterfaceIndex | ?
{$_.ipv4address}).prefixlength ('1' * $prefix).PadRight(32, '0') | Out-Null;$bitString=('1' * $prefix).PadRight(32,'0'); $SnM=[String]::Empty for($i=0;$i -lt 32;$i+=8) {$byteString=$bitString.Substring($i,8); $SnM+="$([Convert]::ToInt32($byteString, 2))."} If ((Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).Dhcp -eq "Enabled") {$DHCP = "DHCP"} else {$DHCP = "STATIC"} $AdapterList +=
((Get-NetIPConfiguration | ?
{$_.InterfaceIndex -match "$($adapter.InterfaceIndex)"} | select @{Name='Alias';Expression ={$_.InterfaceAlias}},` @{Name='Status';Expression ={$_.NetAdapter.Status}},` @{Name='IPAddress';Expression ={"$($_.IPv4Address.IPAddress) ($DHCP)"}},` @{Name='SubnetMask';Expression ={"$($SnM.TrimEnd('.')) (/$prefix)"}},` @{Name='Gateway';Expression ={$_.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop}},` @{Name='DNSServer(s)';Expression ={$_.DNSServer.ServerAddresses}},` @{Name='MAC';Expression ={$adapter.MacAddress}},` @{Name='Index';Expression ={$_.InterfaceIndex}},` @{Name='Description';Expression ={$_.InterfaceDescription}})) } Write-Host "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" -ForegroundColor Gray $AdapterList | % { $_ | % { If ($_.IPAddress -match "169.") { $_.IPAddress = "($DHCP)" $_.SubnetMask = " - " }
$Item00 = $_ ($Item00 | Out-String).Split("`n|`r",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
| %
{ If ($Item00.Status -match "Disconnected") {Write-Host "█ " -fore Red -No
} If ($Item00.Status -match "Up") {Write-Host "¤ " -fore Green -No
} If ($_ -match "Index") {Write-Host " " $_ -ForegroundColor cyan} If ($_ -match "Alias") {Write-Host " " $_ -ForegroundColor Yellow} If ($_ -match ": Up") {Write-Host " " $_ -ForegroundColor Green} If ($_ -match ": Disconnected") {Write-Host " " $_ -ForegroundColor Magenta} If ($_ -NOTmatch "Index" -and $_ -NOTmatch "Alias" -and $_ -NOTmatch "Status") {Write-Host " " $_} }
($Item00 | Out-String).Split("`n|`r",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
| %
{ If
($_ -match "Alias" -and $_ -match "Wi-Fi" -and $Item00.Status
-match "Up") { netsh wlan show interfaces | % { If
($_ -match "SSID" -and $_ -NOTmatch "BSSID") {$SSID = $_} If
($_ -match "State") {$State = $_} If
($_ -match "Signal") {$Signal = $_} If
($_ -match "Authentication") {$Auth = $_} } Function SplitWrite($arg0)
{Write-Host ($arg0.Split(':')[1]).Trim()
-Fore 11} Write-Host " SSID:
" -Fore 14 -No; SplitWrite $SSID Write-Host " State:
" -Fore 14 -No; SplitWrite $State Write-Host " Signal:
" -Fore 14 -No; SplitWrite $Signal Write-Host " Auth:
" -Fore 14 -No; SplitWrite $Auth } }
} Write-Host "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" -ForegroundColor Gray }
} # End Function Get-IP
set-alias -name gip -value Get-IP |
On GitHub: Get-IP.psm1
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