27 July, 2020

Query metatags, no extenal DLL's, or exe's needed.

This is my most recent discovery for auditing multiple audio file metatags...
These files are the back-up of my iPod

There's a lot more here than is needed - But I wanted it to look nice.

There is also plenty of comments and methods in it, to give you an idea on what kind of audits are possible.

Previously, I used ffprobe (part of ffmpeg) to read these tags... But it was kinds of slow...
What I used here, took less than half the time.

To see what I did with that "$NullQuery" from this script, see this post:

$NullQuery = @()
$NullCount = 0
$StartTime = (Get-Date)

$DrivesInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_logicaldisk
Write-Host "===========================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$AudioSource = "$(($DrivesInfo | ? {$_.VolumeName -match "easystore"}).DeviceID)\iPod BackUp\iPod_Control\Music"
$_TitlesCounter = 0

$_Titles = $null
$_Titles = gci $AudioSource -Recurse -Force | ? {($_.Name -match ".m4a") -or ($_.Name -match ".mp3")}
$_TitlesTotal = $_Titles.Count

$_Titles | % {

$path = $_.FullName # 'F:\iPod BackUp\iPod_Control\Music\F00\GNVD.mp3'
$shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$folder = $_.DirectoryName  # Split-Path $path
$file = $_.Name  # Split-Path $path -Leaf
$shellfolder = $shell.Namespace($folder)
$shellfile = $shellfolder.ParseName($file)

$Label_Array = @(13,14,16,20,21,26,27,194,237)  | % { '{0} = {1}' -f $_, $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_) }

$Label_Array | % {
$Set_Up = (($_).Split('=')).Split("`n|`r",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
#Write-Host  "$($Set_Up[1]): $($shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, $Set_Up[0]))"
$Tag__ = ($Set_Up[1]).Trim()
$Tag__Value = $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, $Set_Up[0])

    $_FullName = ($path).ToUpper()

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "Authors") {
    $artist01 = "ARTIST"
    $artist02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($artist02 -eq "") {$artist02 = "NULL"}

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "Title") {
    $title01 = ($Tag__).ToUpper()
    $title02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($title02 -eq "") {$title02 = "NULL"}

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "Album") {
    $album01 = ($Tag__).ToUpper()
    $album02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($album02 -eq"") {$album02 = "NULL"}

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "Album artist") {
    $albumArtist01 = ($Tag__).ToUpper()
    $albumArtist02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($albumArtist02 -eq "") {$albumArtist02 = "NULL"}

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "#") {
    $track01 = "TRACK"
    $track02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($track02 -eq "") {$track02 = "NULL"}

    If ( $Tag__ -eq "genre") {
    $genre01 = ($Tag__).ToUpper()
    $genre02 = $Tag__Value
        If ($genre02 -eq "") {$genre02 = "NULL"}

} # END $Label_Array | %
    Write-Host "$_FullName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "        $artist01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $artist02
        Write-Host "  $albumArtist01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $albumArtist02
        Write-Host "         $title01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $title02              
        Write-Host "         $album01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $album02
        Write-Host "         $track01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $track02
        Write-Host "         $genre01`: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host $genre02
        Write-Host "===== Timer: $(((Get-Date) - $StartTime).Minutes) minutes ====== Total: $_TitlesCounter of $_TitlesTotal / Null: $NullCount" -ForegroundColor Green

        If (($artist02 -eq "NULL") -or ($title02 -eq "NULL")) {
        $QueryB = new-object psobject
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "FilePath" -Value $_FullName
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "File" -Value $file
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Folder" -Value $folder
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Artist" -Value $artist02
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Album_Artist" -Value $albumArtist02
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Title" -Value $title02
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Album" -Value $album02
        $QueryB | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name "Track" -Value $track02
        $NullQuery += $QueryB
        Write-Host "#####################################" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1500
Clear-Variable artist*
Clear-Variable title*
Clear-Variable album*
Clear-Variable track*
Clear-Variable genre*

1 comment:

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