Using your
favorite website, to download a YouTube vid, as an MP4 video…
Such as:
Such as:
Then using ‘FFMPEG’, to grab the audio, from that MP4… As an MP3 audio file.
This script
opens a file select dialog, where you can select the MP4 file…
And then proceeds make the MP3, as a new file – In the source folder.
Then opens up the location of the MP3, wit that file selected.
Notice that there is a flag that will allow the selection of multiple files – It is intentionally called, and set to ‘Multiselect = $false’, because otherwise, every MP3 file, is gonna have the same name, with subsequent files showing numeric iterations parenthetically.
And then proceeds make the MP3, as a new file – In the source folder.
Then opens up the location of the MP3, wit that file selected.
Notice that there is a flag that will allow the selection of multiple files – It is intentionally called, and set to ‘Multiselect = $false’, because otherwise, every MP3 file, is gonna have the same name, with subsequent files showing numeric iterations parenthetically.
Change the ‘$fileName’ – That MP4 you downloaded has a crappy file name…
Change the path of the ‘ffmpeg.exe’.
# Could also do this... The file name, via
a $fileName = Read-Host
$fileName = "Billy Squier - Everybody Wants
You" #just the name - MP3 is added in below
$fileName = $fileName+".mp3"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\Rich\Downloads"
Multiselect = $false # Multiple files can be chosen
Filter = 'Video (*.MP4)|*.mp4' # Specified file types
Title = "Select file..."
$file = $FileBrowser.FileName
If($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*") {
$Path_to_File = $FileBrowser.FileName
else {
Write-Host "Cancelled by user"
$OutputFolder = "C:\Users\Rich\Music\"
$Output = $OutputFolder+$fileName
& "C:\Users\Rich\Extracted
Applications\ffmpeg\ffmpegWin64\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i $Path_to_File $Output
# Open the folder the MP3 was saved to,,,
explorer.exe /select,$Output
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