In addition to emailing me my IP. I wanted to also know if:
1) Is µTorrent running.
2) Is PeerBlock running
If 1 was true, and 2 was false... I wanted to know about it. And I also wanted it fixed ASAP!
This script will, if µTorrent IS running, start PeerBlock... And email the disposition.
Before this will work, you have to create a scheduled task to start PeerBolck.
Be sure to select “Run with Highest Privileges’ when setting up the task...
This is how the UAC is by-passed. otherwise PeerBlock cant be started from a
command line only. You have to acknowledge the UAC ~OR~ you can start the task:
schtasks /run /tn PeerGaurdian (I named the task ‘PeerGaurdian’ so that is what I am stating )
#### This part is checking to see if utorrent and PeerBlock are running ####
#### and will turn PeerBlock on if utorrent is running without PeerBlock ####
### ###
### This script is designed to start PeerBlock if µTorrent is running ###
### ###
$ErrorActionPreference = “SilentlyContinue”
$Both =""
$utorrent = ""
$UTorName = ""
$peerblock = ""
$PeerBlockName = ""
$uTorr = ""
$PBlock = ""
$a = ""
$Username = ""
$PW = ""
$EmailFrom = ""
$EmailTo = ""
$Subject = ""
$Body =
$utorrent = Get-Process utorrent -ea 0
$UTorName = $utorrent.ProcessName.ToString()
$peerblock = Get-Process peerblock -ea 0
$PeerBlockName = $peerblock.ProcessName.ToString()
### if µTorrent is NOT running... Dont worry about it
### if µTorrent ISN'T running... Start PeerBlock
### This has to be done as a 'scheduled task' with elevated privleges in Win 7 to bypass UAC
## for some reason the 'ProcessName' was not working the way I wanted it to
If ($UTorName -eq "")
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
$uTorr = " µTorrent is NOT running"
## If Utorrent is running and PeerBlock aint... Start PeerBlock.
## The constant 'Get-Process' you see below was from me trying to
## figure out why 'ProcessName' was not working. I wanted to use
## 'Null' as the standard, but that just wasn't working
If ($UTorName -eq "utorrent" -And $PeerBlockName -ne "peerblock")
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
$Both = " *** µTorrent IS running. Starting PeerBlock..."
schtasks /run /tn PeerGaurdian
# Give PeerGuardian a chance to start
Start-Sleep -s 5
$peerblock = Get-Process peerblock -ea 0
$PeerBlockName = $peerblock.ProcessName.ToString()
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
If ($UTorName -ne "")
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
$uTorr = " µTorrent IS running."
If ($PeerBlockName -eq "")
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
$PBlock = " *** PeerBlock is NOT running"
Get-Process utorrent
Get-Process peerblock
$PBlock = " PeerBlock IS running"
$a = Get-Date
$a = $a.ToShortTimeString()
#### Now on to sending this info out along with the IP of the computer ####
$wc=New-Object net.webclient
$Results = $wc.downloadstring("") -replace "[^\d\.]"
$http = "http://"
$8080 = ":8080/index.asp"
#### NOTES about " -replace "[^\d\.]" ####
#### ####
#### "-Replace" replace "^" all Characters excluding "\d" numbers or "\." decimal points ####
#### ~ it literally only retains numbers and decimal points ~ ####
#### ####
## GMail username and PW
$Username = "XXXXXXXX"
$PW = "****************"
$EmailFrom = ""
$EmailTo = ""
$Subject = "$Results - Home IP Address"
$Body = "$Results - Home IP Address
ROUTER: $http$Results$8080
$SMTPServer = ""
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587)
$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true
$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $PW);
$SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body)
$Both =""
$utorrent = ""
$UTorName = ""
$peerblock = ""
$PeerBlockName = ""
$uTorr = ""
$PBlock = ""
$a = ""
$Username = ""
$PW = ""
$EmailFrom = ""
$EmailTo = ""
$Subject = ""
$Body = ""
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